Definition of subsets of clinical concepts with the SNOMED CT Expression Constraint Language

The breadth of SNOMED CT, with over 360,000 clinical concepts, requires the definition of subsets of specific concepts to ensure their use in concrete scenarios, such as data entry and validation (for example, to ensure that recorded diagnoses are of a specific disease type, such as liver diseases), clinical protocols, data analysis and mining (for example, to filter cases where the patient […]

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Tartaglia: Exploitation and Extension of the OMOP Common Data Model to Drive Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine

In Europe and Spain, large amounts of health data are stored, although these are often scattered across isolated systems, which hinders their effective use in clinical research and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) models. To address this situation, the main challenge is to build a collaborative and secure environment that allows health data to be shared collectively, ensuring that they remain in the […]

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The goal of consulting in openEHR and FHIR: the efficiency of collaboration and our Webinar.

How do I know if I’m choosing the right standard? The question we face in most of the projects we start at Veratech is usually the same: What if I’m making the wrong choice by selecting a standard and investing money, but in the end, I should have made a different decision? This perspective is completely understandable, as these are decisions that [...]

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Generación de Modelos Lógicos FHIR a partir de arquetipos: Un paso necesario para no reinventar la rueda

Transformar arquetipos en perfiles sobre recursos específicos (como Observation o Questionnaire) puede ser útil para integraciones rápidas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los recursos restantes no son tan genéricos y tienen semántica clínica incluída en los mismos, lo que normalmente requiere que sea un humano el que tome esas decisiones de si un elemento en origen es equivalente a un atributo FHIR o no. En este caso, y para […]

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Aportaciones de Veratech al mundo de la interoperabilidad: Reutilizar el conocimiento de openEHR en FHIR

Hay algo fundamental que tenemos que entender: cada estándar tiene su sitio en la solución completa al problema de interoperabilidad. Tenemos que dejar de ver los estándares como competidores y necesitamos seguir pensando en ellos como unas piezas de puzzle que encajan unas con otras. Esta es nuestra mayor y más ardua tarea: hacer entender que la interoperabilidad es un conjunto de normas, no sólo un estándar […]

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Liderando el Futuro de la Salud: Veratech for Health y el impacto del Espacio Europeo de Datos Sanitarios

Esta primavera, el Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo alcanzaron un acuerdo político en relación con la propuesta de la Comisión relativa al Espacio Europeo de Datos Sanitarios (European Health Data Space – EHDS). ¿Qué es el EHDS? El EHDS es un marco jurídico sólido para el uso de datos sanitarios con fines de investigación, innovación, salud pública, elaboración de políticas y reglamentación que proporciona acceso, bajo condiciones […]

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How to implement OMOP CDM and not die trying?

Having real-world data provides an ideal framework for conducting clinical research studies. However, selecting and preparing these data entails significant effort for both researchers and IT personnel within the organization. Having large volumes of quality data is also the foundation of any AI use within the organization. It is estimated that 80% of […]

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20 years of openEHR. Where are we and where are we going?

On March 13, 2023, we celebrated 20 years since the birth of openEHR. In the world of technology, 20 years is a lifetime, enough time to even reach obsolescence. And yet, it is now when openEHR is entering its era of maturity, increasingly considered as a fundamental tool for innovation in the management and exploitation of health information. […]

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We are winners of the Best Poster Award by the AVISA jury at the XIV Technical Conference

On February 10th, during the XIV Technical Conference, the work of Veratech experts Beatriz Navarro, David Moner, and Diego Boscá was recognized and awarded for their efforts in implementing a methodology for harmonizing and exploiting data using OMOP CDM. This methodology is expected to facilitate clinical research at the regional, national, and international levels. The recognition was […]

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Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare Data at Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023: where are we and where are we going?

On December 13th, our Production Director and consultant David Moner was invited to participate in a panel discussion titled "Pioneering the change" at the TechSpirit Barcelona 2023 event. He had the opportunity to share some ideas with his fellow panelists, Elena Santana from Naru Intelligence and Taryn Andersen from Impulse4Women, all moderated by Montse Daban from Biocat. The main idea of the […]

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What would happen if we combined our knowledge of openEHR and OMOP?

Infobanco, the intersection between openEHR and OMOP, and the future of VeraTech for Health SL in the interview with Diego Boscá Tomás by openEHR International.

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INFOBANCO: a healthcare research platform based on openEHR

Veratech wishes to share the results of the INFOBANCO project, which has been developed between April 2022 and June 2023 for the Madrid Health Service. Veratech for Health has had the privilege of participating in this project from its initial conception in the pre-market consultation, to its final implementation, promoting the adoption of openEHR and archetype modeling methodology.

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Semantic Interoperability: The Bridge to Better Healthcare

In the fast-paced world of technology in the healthcare sector, semantic interoperability emerges as a revolutionary tool promising to transform the way medical information is shared and utilized.

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The convergence of standards in the healthcare sector: Can openEHR, HL7 FHIR, and the OMOP model work together?

Currently, interoperability and data exchange are essential for improving healthcare and making informed decisions. To achieve this, there are several health data standards, each with its own focus and unique characteristics. Today, we will explore three prominent standards: openEHR, HL7 FHIR, and the OMOP Model from OHDSI, analyzing their compatibility and importance in the healthcare sector today. […]

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Snomed CT: the clinical terminology that improves the quality of patient care and the interoperability of global health data

Author: José Alberto Maldonado Segura. Head of Innovation and semantic interoperability consultant at Veratech for Health. The use of SNOMED CT enables the improvement of the quality of patient care, the accurate identification of patient cohorts for clinical research, audits or reporting, and the interoperability of health data.

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Conferencia de openEHR reúne a expertos internacionales en Barcelona para impulsar la interoperabilidad y la eficiencia sanitaria

Asistencia de Veratech a la conferencia de openEHR en Barcelona donde se reúnen expertos internacionales para impulsar la interoperabilidad sanitaria.

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The electronic medical record viewer of the Hospital General de Valencia celebrates its 20th anniversary

PANGEA, developed by Veratech for Health, provides information on 380,000 patients. Twenty years ago, in response to the need of clinicians at the Hospital General de Valencia to have unified and structured patient information, the Veratech for Health team developed PANGEA. The tool was designed based on the integration engine of the LinkEHR platform, which allows the Hospital to have[…]

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Veratech for Health works with AGESIC of the Government of Uruguay and Minsait Uruguay, in the development of the National Electronic Health Record.

Veratech for Health has participated since 2015 in an important project for healthcare in Uruguay, such as the development of the National Electronic Health Record in Uruguay, in collaboration with the Agency of Electronic Government and Information and Knowledge Society (AGESIC) of the Government of Uruguay, Minsait Uruguay, an Indra company, and The project consisted of a consultancy for the [...]

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VeraTech for Health and Rosaldo present Spanish-language openEHR training program

Companies with expertise in the openEHR standard collaborate to deliver a nationwide openEHR training program in Spain. Valencia, Spain - VeraTech for Health and Rosaldo, leading companies in the eHealth and openEHR consulting sector, have joined their knowledge and experience to develop a comprehensive openEHR training program in Spanish. This initiative arises in response to the growing interest in this standard throughout [...]

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VeraTech and CatSalut team up for clinical information modeling with openEHR archetypes

CatSalut and VeraTech collaborate to build a knowledge-based clinical information modeling platform for healthcare in the openEHR standard. The "openEHR EHR Modeling" project will provide healthcare professionals with the ability to represent clinical information in a structured and longitudinal way. VeraTech, a Valencian company specializing in semantic interoperability, has announced the completion of an innovative project in [...]

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The tartaglIA Sanidad project we are working on is part of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda.

TartaglIA Sanidad is a project that seeks to create a federated network with artificial intelligence for clinical and healthcare research in Spain. With 15 partners and funded by the Recovery, Resilience and Transformation Plan, its objective is the harmonization of clinical data and image metadata for use cases in Retinopathy, Alzheimer's and Prostate Cancer, without taking the data out of the health [...]

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Veratech for Health SL supports INCLIVA, a Spanish health research institute, in its integration into the European structure of harmonization of health databases IMI_EHDEN. As EHDEN SME Partner, Veratech is in charge of the transformation of data to the OMOP-CDM model to improve the treatment of chronic diseases. VeraTech for Health SL supports INCLIVA, Institute of Health Research in Spain that focuses on [...]

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Veratech for Health is official openEHR training provider for CatSalut

Catalonia is implementing a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system based on the open source standard openEHR to improve collaboration and sustainability, interoperability and shared vocabularies and ontologies across all entities of the Integrated Public Health System. The Catalonia region of Spain is implementing a new electronic health record (EHR) system based on the international open reference standard OpenEHR. [...]

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Veratech for Health cumple 10 años y está acreditada por EHDEN

Veratech for Health cumple su décimo aniversario como consultora experta en interoperabilidad semántica y es ahora una de las pymes de Europa que ha recibido la certificación OMOP Common Data Model de la red EHDEN, tras semanas de amplia formación. VeraTech for health SL, la spin-off de la UPV, cumple 10 años y se reconoce como una empresa experta en interoperabilidad semántica de los datos clínicos a […]

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