Armonización de la base de datos de investigación del Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Macarena al estándar OMOP CDM para la ejecución del proyecto GeoHealth
Veratech x Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Macarena
2022 - 2024
Se trabajaron servicios de consultoría e inspección técnica en FISAVI para la ejecución del proyecto llamado GeoHealth: Sistema de Información Geográfica orientado a la gestión sanitaria e investigación clínica, epidemiológica y traslacional. Se realizó un estudio de la arquitectura técnica de la bases de datos a las que se conecta GeoHealth para así poder definir el proceso que se siguió para la Extracción Transformación y carga de datos (ETL). Posteriormente, se realizaron trabajos de consultoría para la implementación de la ETL. Se emplearon las herramientas abiertas Usagi y WhiteRabbit, que son proporcionadas por el Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI).
de pacientes en la BBDD
de condiciones
de medicamentos
de medicinas
InfoBANCO: Repositorio de investigación semántico basado en el modelo openEHR
Veratech x SERMAS
2022 - 2023
InfoBANCO es el resultado de un proyecto de Compra Pública de Innovación con el objetivo de construir una plataforma regional de datos para la investigación y gestión sanitaria. Es un gran proyecto de innovación donde se utilizan 5 estándares de información clínica. Desde Veratech creamos un repositorio de datos clínicos (CDR) según el estándar openEHR como núcleo de una plataforma de investigación y gestión, para ser utilizado como fuente para transformaciones de datos (procesos ETL) a otros estándares comúnmente utilizados en el campo de la investigación clínica (OMOP CDM, HL7 FHIR, CDISC ODM, i2b2). Está cofinanciado en un 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y tiene el objetivo de mejorar los servicios públicos a los ciudadanos, además de favorecer a la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas y el fortalecimiento de la colaboración público-privada.
Arquetipos y plantillas openEHR
Estándares de información clínica utilizados conjuntamente
Harmonization of the ABUCASIS database to the OMOP model
Veratech x INCLIVA
2022 - 2023
The ABUCASIS database at INCLIVA contains health information about 3,799,885 individuals from the Valencian Community, representing 92% of the general population. In this work, the transformation of all these records to OMOP and multiple analyses of interest are carried out. Veratech for Health conducts consultancy work and clinical data validation.
Quality standards
Total data quality
Chronicextract: Machine Learning and NLP Techniques
Veratech x IIS LA FE, ITI, UV
2021 - 2023
The objective of this project has been to develop a working methodology that allows for the exploitation of information from the clinical notes of the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe in Valencia for the management of diabetic patients through the development of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques for the extraction of indicators and markers in narrative clinical reports. Veratech's work has focused on the methodology (including an annotation guide) and infrastructure for generating the training corpus and normalizing the information extracted from clinical texts to OMOP-CDM.
Users in their first year of use
Extracted entities
Defined annotation rules
Veratech x Ministerio de Sanidad España
2020 - 2023
Between 2020 and 2023 we collaborated with the Ministry of Health in the construction of the SNOMED CT Navigator for the NHS. This browser provides public access to the contents of the SNOMED CT Spanish Extensions, allowing the search of SNOMED CT concepts, the visualization of their properties and relationships, the exploration of national reference sets, and the execution of ECL queries.
Users in their first year of use
HCE Viewer. Pangea
Veratech x Hospital General Universitario of Valencia
2008 - 2023
In 2008 we integrated an electronic medical record viewer at Consorcio Hospital General Universitario called Pangea. They now consider it as an application that is part of their core technology. Pangea has proven to be a robust and reliable solution, offering a wide range of benefits for patient search and clinical information management. Pangea has managed to meet important challenges along the way. Currently, the service serves an extensive patient base, managing information on more than 380,000 individuals. In addition, more than 2,000 physicians and nurses benefit from Pangea's capabilities to effectively access and use clinical information. The overall impression of Pangea among users is extremely positive, backed by its long history and its ability to provide a wide range of technological advances in the healthcare field.
Simultaneous connections
daily users
Response speed
Standardization of COVID-19 information from Hospital 12 de Octubre to OMOP CDM within the framework of the EHDEN project.
Veratech x 12 de Octubre
The collaboration of Hospital 12 de Octubre with Veratech in the adoption of the OMOP model within the framework of the EHDEN project resulted in the generation and implementation of fully functional data repositories in the environment of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre and Primary Care of Madrid within the framework of the EHDEN Consortium, participation in multiple study proposals in the OHDSI ecosystem, advances in healthcare R&D, and as a result, improved patient health.
of data reliability
of standardized HCI
Standardization of health data in OMOP CDM in the framework of the EHDEN project
Veratech x Hospital of Denia Marina Salud
In this project, Veratech for Health integrated a CERNER database related to obstetrics, normalizing terminologies to match OMOP standards. An OMOP database adapted to the project was created, implementing ETL for data translation and connection services with EHDEN to integrate the database. The result is a standardized database under European standards, allowing its use in any external project. In addition, the project has served as an internal "self-audit" of the data, detecting errors and inconsistencies. It has also provided tools for public use for data quality management and the creation of cohorts for studies and scientific research, and has contributed to clinical evidence for both internal and external research, improving the care provided to patients.
of data reliability
OpenEHR modeling of EHRs. The implementation of a knowledge-based platform within a service infrastructure and a modern development environment.
Veratech x Servei Català de la Salut
The "openEHR EHR Modeling" project seeks to develop a platform that allows healthcare professionals to represent their knowledge in a structured way to create automated transactional and informative programs. Veratech has identified clinical archetypes and resources, and designed and implemented archetypes and templates according to the openEHR standard, executed them in a data repository compatible with the openEHR standard. They have also defined a methodology for governance and modeling of archetypes for the Servei Català de Salut and have transferred the necessary knowledge for their independence in the modeling process. This project provides autonomy to health professionals and allows them to generate interoperability independently while boosting research in clinical guidelines and phenotyping procedures.
Standardization of data from the i2b2 repository of Hospital 12 de Octubre to OMOP CDM within the framework of the EHDEN project.
Veratech x Hospital 12 de octubre
The collaboration between Hospital 12 de Octubre and Veratech in the EHDEN project resulted in the creation and implementation of fully functional data repositories in the environment of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre and Primary Care of Madrid within the EHDEN Consortium. It also resulted in participation in several study proposals within the OHDSI ecosystem, advances in healthcare research and development, and improved patient health. From this experience, limitations and areas of improvement for future projects have been identified.
Modeling of Uruguay's National Electronic Health Record in ISO 13606
Veratech x AGESIC
Veratech for Health has participated in an important project for healthcare in Uruguay, in collaboration with AGESIC, Indra Uruguay, and The project consisted of consulting tasks in the modeling of clinical documents that will be part of the National Electronic Health Record (HCEN). David Cano, consultant of Veratech for Health, led the modeling process of clinical documents that are part of the HCEN.
Trained experts
Common data models